
Stop paying your booking software hidden fees.

By opting for exclusively booking, you unlock the opportunity for exponential growth. Unlike our competitors, we go the extra mile to secure the best rates exclusively for you. With your preferred payment provider, you have the freedom to set the rules and tailor the experience to your liking.

When it comes to appointments, we let you choose what you want to use.

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No Contracts - Cancel Anytime

Choose Your Provider

Select either Stripe or Square. With us, you have full ownership of your payment account, enjoying your own rates, and rest assured, we won't deduct any processing fees to cover our expenses.

Easy to Get Started

Exclusively seamlessly integrates with both new and existing Stripe or Square accounts. Simply login to Exclusively, choose your provider, and start taking payments for appointments with ease.

Stay in Control

Easily link with one or multiple payment providers or individual accounts. Exclusively Booking offers the most personalized booking system on Earth, empowering you with absolute control.

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